Growing up in my part of the world, a woman activist was seriously frowned upon, because challenging the status quo was frowned upon, as was questioning authority (which was mostly male) or speaking your mind. Women were expected to defer to men — whom we apparently needed to take care of us — and discouraged from causing trouble or drawing attention to ourselves. At the time, I dutifully obeyed. Now, at middle age, I wonder if on some unconscious level I’m still obeying, particularly around women’s issues.
Quote of the Week for Feb. 6
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein
On Owning a Dog
My dog ate a chicken carcass this week. Andy, our 14-year-old Jack Russell terrier, snatched the carcass from our kitchen counter while my husband and I stepped away for about 30 minutes. When my husband returned, he caught Andy trying to bury the last bits of the chicken in the living room couch. We can’t figure out how he got the carcass — he’s a small dog and it’s a tall counter so he actually had to climb his way up and over to reach his prize. Andy may be old, but he’s still determined, and frankly, he’s smarter than we are. [Read more…] about On Owning a Dog
Quote of the Week for Jan. 30
“It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” — Seneca
Trust Your Instincts

I went to T.J. Maxx the other day, the store that offers designer clothing for substantial savings. I’m not wild about T.J. Maxx, because it’s big and chaotic, filled with abandoned carts and endless racks of clothing sliding halfway off their hangers. Plus, there’s no one to help me decide what I should buy. I’m forced to trust my instincts. But I had a gift card and was feeling sturdy, so off I went. [Read more…] about Trust Your Instincts