“My mother said to me, ‘If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.’ Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.” — Pablo Picasso
Blog Rewind: Shooting My Way Out of My Comfort Zone
I spent this past week in bed recovering from root canal from hell (just so you know, gritting your teeth is VERY bad for you). Blog post to follow at some point, using said root canal as metaphor. In the meantime, a blog rewind — one of my favorites. Here’s to your good dental health and a relaxed lower jaw!
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The Man (or Woman) in the Arena

This week had some high points (yay!) and some low points (well, there you go) and lucky for me the pluses outweighed the minuses. Since I work alone in the NH woods (with all due respect to my gifted Jack Russell, Andy), I often rely on the words and wisdom of other people who have persevered to help me plow through those low points — like working on a book chapter for a week only to realize it won’t work, at least not yet — without reaching for the Nutella jar. This week, I was reminded of Teddy Roosevelt’s speech “Citizenship in a Republic,” which he delivered at the Sorbonne in Paris on April 23, 1910.
Quote of the Week for Sept. 23
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” — John Shedd
Here’s What Happened

“You girls are missing out on your lives.” That was just one of the comments Rachel Perry Welty and I received during “WTF” (2013), our collaborative performance using cell phones at (con)TEXT, the current Sharon Arts Center exhibition curated by Tim Donovan. A quick description of the piece: we sat next to each other on a bench and for the two-hour duration of the opening reception we texted one another. We did not talk to each other or anyone else. Our “Hello, my name is…” name tags featured our cell phone numbers, not our names. (Side note: I forgot to take my name tag off after the performance and went out for a glass of wine. The bartender couldn’t help but comment: “A lot of women communicate that they’re available, but you’re taking it to a whole new level.”) [Read more…] about Here’s What Happened