“Maybe stories are just data with a soul.” — Dr. Brene Brown, sociologist
The Importance of Being Vulnerable
In a recent video on storytelling seen on Carson Daly’s Last Call, The Moth founder George Dawes Green states great storytelling depends on vulnerability. I wanted to really understand that word, so I revisited several definitions including this one from The Oxford Dictionary: susceptible to physical or emotional attack or harm. Sounds like a pretty scary place to be. [Read more…] about The Importance of Being Vulnerable
Why Good Things Happen to Good People

Good things are happening to good people, and it’s all because they’ve WORKED VERY HARD. To start with, several of my fellow storytellers from The Moth got a terrific and well-deserved write-up in Wednesday’s NY Times. The article featured the multi-talented Ophira Eisenberg — host of next week’s Moth Mainstage in Boston where I’ll be performing — and Adam Wade, a native of New Hampshire, my current home. In addition to hosting his own show in NYC, he’s won at least 18 Moth StorySLAMS. He won another StorySLAM earlier this week, so the count’s probably an unbelievable 19. [Read more…] about Why Good Things Happen to Good People
Quote of the Week for April 2
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” — Albert Einstein
Battling Resistance
Last week, I didn’t post a blog. I could say this happened because I traveled to NYC for several meetings and needed to pour all my energy into preparation, but I’d be lying. In truth, the real culprit was not my travel schedule, but Resistance. I was just scared to post something and used the trip as my rationalization. The consequence: since I didn’t post a blog last week, writing a blog this week has been that much harder. [Read more…] about Battling Resistance