“When the ears begin to hear, and the eyes begin to see; when the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again; the soul to feel the flesh and the flesh to feel the chain.” — Emily Bronte
Look to the Horizon

My husband and I are headed to Nantucket this week and not a minute too soon. I love New Hampshire, but this Florida girl needs the smell of salt air and a horizon line — there are way too many trees here in the Granite State. You have to climb a mountain if you want any kind of vista, and mountain climbing has never been my outdoor activity of choice. Plus, like most of us, I do a lot of mental mountain climbing indoors, and I can’t wait to rest my mind for a week. To that end, I will not be taking my computer with me on vacation, just trashy novels. Or I might just sit and stare at the waves. Regardless, I’ll post my next blog the week of Sept. 10. [Read more…] about Look to the Horizon
Fall Schedule
Oct. 26: Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN
Nov. 13: Keynote speaker, She Did It! Conference, Babson College, Wellesley, MA
Dec. 4: Guest Lecturer, The Mothers Club, Cambridge, MA
Quote of the Week for Aug. 27
“Mistakes are the portals of discovery.” — James Joyce
The Power of Community
When I moved to Ireland 17 years ago, newly divorced from my husband and a successful consulting career, I didn’t know a soul. I did, however, know in my bones that I wanted to make art and write. Lucky for me, I found an amazing writer’s group that still meets all these years later. [Read more…] about The Power of Community