Remembering Eddie

I’m blessed for many reasons, and one of them is having my older brother Jimmy to whom I’m very close. And for almost as long as I have had Jimmy (aka Chopper), I have had his large pack of friends who have stood guard as my non-DNA brothers. This group includes Ricky, Dougie, Twomey, Charlie and until last week, at the too-young age of 56, Eddie.
Quote of the Week for June 10
“Be calm. God awaits you at the door.” ― Gabriel Garcí a Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera
Quote of the Week for June 3
“If we examine ourselves carefully we shall see most of us have an enormous amount of unfinished business…We have to be free so that we can just step across the line and that’s it. That is what real freedom is.” — Thomas Merton
Beautiful Nail

I’m back home in Tampa for my nephew’s graduation, where I popped into a nail salon for a pedicure. The entire time I was thinking of Anjelah Johnson’s stand-up routine, “Nail Salon,” the video that went viral and brought her the attention she deserves, paving the way for the fabulous Bon Qui Qui. Nearly 31 million have viewed the video but it’s always worth a second (or third or fourth or twentieth) look. Enjoy!
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