I had the great good fortune of telling a story this week at Boston’s sold-out Moth StorySLAM. Here’s how Moth StorySLAMs work. You prepare a story that relates to the theme — in this case, “Love Hurts” — put your name in the hat, and over the course of the evening, 10 names are pulled out of the hat. If your name’s called, you walk on stage and tell your story. A true story, with no notes, in five minutes. I love this stuff.
My name was called last. I told the story of unknowingly moving across the street from my pesky practice husband’s girlfriend and later seeing them after an evening in flagrante delicto. At the time, my foundation was rocked. Twenty years later, it makes a really good story. In fact, I ending up winning the StorySLAM and will be back for a Grand SLAM competition later this year. As Nora Ephron said:
My mother wanted us to understand that the tragedies of your life one day have the potential to be comic stories the next.

Of course, this story will be part of my upcoming memoir and who knows? Maybe it will end up on the big screen like Nora Ephron’s semi-autobiographical novel, Heartburn, which was inspired by her rocky second marriage to Carl Bernstein and his extramarital affair. In the meantime, check out what Nora Ephron did to make herself feel much better after her husband’s indiscretions, with some help from Meryl Streep. Very funny stuff.
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